
HI, In this blog i will be talking about how Global Warming effects the world and how you can help stop the corruption of our enviroment.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Enviromental Groups trying to stop Global Warming

One group called Greenpeace is trying to find climate solutions that will help us prosper without having damaging the planet.  Some ideas they have to do this is:
-Use wind power and solar energy for electricity
-Protect forests so they can continue to clean our atmosphere
These are only few of the ideas that they have.

Another group called StopGlobalWarming
They also have the same idea as Greenpeace and they encourage people to join their virtual march to help conquer Global Warming.
To follow them click the link to the right---> http://www.stopglobalwarming.org/learn/

Friday, January 7, 2011

Chain Reaction

Global Warming is like a chain reaction of things.  Warming up the world causes drought which leaves people hungry.  And melting of the polar ice caps would cause flooding

Sunday, January 2, 2011



This video was uploaded by National Geographic and will help you understand Global Warming more.